miércoles, 28 de marzo de 2012

The Death Penalty: An obsolete solution.

I want to discuss about “The ultimate punishment”, this law exist since the Eighteenth Century B.C. in the Code of King Hammaurabi of Babylon, which codified the death penalty for 25 different crimes, today is use it for the crime of murder (funny irony). There is no doubt that the death penalty doesn’t stop murders and it’s only about revenge. I believe this because our society is being affected in how we take care of the responsibility in the criminal system.

One argument against the death penalty is that all judicial systems make mistakes. For example, a total of 69 people have been released from death row since 1973 after evidence of their innocence emerged. Twenty-one condemned inmates have been released since 1993, including seven from the state of Illinois alone. Many of these cases were discovered not because of the normal appeals process, but rather as a result of new scientific techniques, investigations by journalists, and the dedicated work of expert attorneys, not available to the typical death row inmate. This evidence clearly shows that as long as the death penalty persists, innocent people will be executed.

Some people maintain that the death penalty “fixes what is broken”, that it’s for the good of the victim’s family, or is divine justice (an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth) and save money. As support for their opinion, they state that this law stops murders because “if the killer is death, then he can’t kill anymore”; other reason might be that the death penalty helps to prevent future crimes. For example, people will not kill for think in the consequences. I disagree with this view because this put an end to their punishment, criminals can work in prison and return the money expended in jail, other reason is when people is going to kill somebody, they don’t think in the consequences. The crime might be for passion… this means that in the mind of the killer doesn’t matter what is going to happen, they don’t care about the punishment (they don’t think). Another one might be cold, this means that the murder is doing it because is his work. For example, mobsters or gang members, and as we know they think that no one is going to catch them. So they don’t care about the punishment either.

In conclusion, we need to abolish this insane law so that help us to go on and work in things that really matter like education and health care. I know that it’s really hard for the families who lost their love ones. But I know the feeling, I know that pain and anger, I know what is to talk with a person who I love and lost him forever in the same day. But I don’t want to turn like those people, anyone should.

domingo, 11 de marzo de 2012

Pequeño panista…

Bueno, ahora vamos a hablar del gran orador Juan Pablo Castro Gamble. Ese joven de mente abierta que propone leyes justas y para nada estúpidas, que entiende y aplaude el intelecto de la gente… NO, aunque sea sarcasmo es simplemente imposible decir cosas buenas de alguien tan pero TAN imbécil. Este pedazo de caca, que de ahora en adelante nos referiremos a el de esta forma es un claro ejemplo de la filosofía del PAN y de que manera se gobernara el país si Josefina llega a ganar las elecciones, aunque en algunos noticieros y portales de internet el Partido Acción Nacional declaro que la posición del pedazo de caca no es la del partido y que no pertenece al mismo, lo cual todos sabemos que es falso por que el mismo de pedazo de caca escribió en su Twitter:

-“Soy un panista orgulloso, y si acepto mi error. Pero mis principios no los voy a cambiar. Ni los valores que mi partido me ha inculcado.”

- “La mayoria (sic) de la gente en el PAN, piensa como yo. La forma de expresarme no fue la correcta, pero deben ser fieles a sus principios”
- “Aunque va contra mis principios en el PAN me estan (sic) obligando a hablar. Me quieren quitar la afiliación del partido. Solo defiendo sus valores”
- “Los mismos valores que tengo como panista los tiene @JosefinaVM @GustavoMadero y @LF_BravoMena Compartimos ideales”

La verdad no debemos dejar que gente como el gobierne nuestro país, a menos claro que quieras vivir en un país en donde te criminalicen por tu adicción a una droga, donde no exista la libertad de genero y censuren internet.