I don't feel like I have (serious) problems. But I've been feeling depressed and stuff, so I tuck a test in http://www.psychologytoday.com/.
And this was my result: You had symptoms in one category of disorders covered in this test. This suggests that you should probably consult with a mental health professional for further testing or treatment, especially if you are distressed about the symptoms you are experiencing. There is most certainly a treatment out there that will help improve the symptoms you are experiencing.
The following is the area of concern detected by the screening:
Substance Abuse |
Your answers indicate that you show strong signs and symptoms of substance abuse. According to the DSM-IV, the use of drugs or alcohol is considered abuse when it leads to problems in your life but not to physical addiction or to a compulsion to take the substance.
The signs and symptoms of substance abuse listed in the DSM-IV are as follows:
In order to meet the criteria for substance abuse, you must display at least one of the above signs for at least a 12-month period. It is important to speak to a professional to discuss the severity and frequency of your drug/alcohol use. If you continue with this behavior, you could be putting your own health and well-being at risk, as well as that of others.
Symptoms Detected |
You show symptoms of several mental health disorders. While they have not reached the level of full diagnosis, seeking the advice of a therapist is recommended, as the symptoms may become overwhelming, more frequent, and more serious. |
Major Depressive Disorder |
Your responses indicate that you have some symptoms of Major Depressive Disorder, but not enough for a full diagnosis. A person with this disorder feels unhappy, sad or empty most of the time, and these feelings cannot be explained by a recent loss or by a medical condition.
The DSM-IV states that the signs and symptoms of Major Depressive Disorder in adults are as follows:
At least one of the first two symptoms and at least five in total from the following:
There are many treatments available for depression - many different medications, along with various forms of psychotherapy. One method that many people find particularly helpful is Cognitive Therapy, during which you can learn methods to address the depressive thoughts and negative self-talk that are common in this disorder.
Suicide Prevention Hotlines and Resources:
If you are thinking of suicide, please do reach out to get the help you need. Here are some links and phone numbers that can get you started:
In the United States:
1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433)
In Canada, the United States and Internationally, click here and follow the links to your country or area:
If you are unable to find resources on your own, see a physician or go to an emergency room - someone there should be able to help you. Do not suffer in silence.
Manic Episodes |
You appear to have showed some signs of experiencing a manic episode. People who experience manic episodes have times when they feel extreme emotional "highs" accompanied by a variety of other symptoms, such as racing thoughts, extreme talkativeness, and reduced need for sleep, among others.
According to the DSM-IV, a manic episode consists of the following:
As well as three or more of the following symptoms:
The symptoms must be severe enough to disrupt functioning in important life areas, such as the ability to function at work, to have healthy relationships, and to take care of oneself. If hospitalization is required, this criterion is considered to have been met.
If you feel that your symptoms are a problem for you, speaking with a professional therapist or psychiatrist, or a medical professional is your first step towards obtaining help. The most effective treatment for Bipolar Disorder appears to be pharmaceutical drugs, in particular lithium, anticonvulsant mood stabilizers, and atypical antipsychotic drugs. Cognitive Therapy might also be useful for Bipolar patients, mostly to assist in understanding the illness, dealing with its consequences, preventing relapse (monitoring symptoms and adjusting medications before a full-blown relapse occurs), and ensuring adherence to the drug regime.
Bipolar Disorder |
You appear to have some symptoms of Bipolar Disorder, but not enough to meet all the criteria for a diagnosis. A person is considered to have this disorder if they have experienced one or more Manic episodes or Mixed episodes (a Mixed episode refers to manic episodes interspersed with depressive episodes in quick succession).
According to the DSM-IV, these are the criteria for a Manic episode, the main requirement for Bipolar disorder:
As well as three or more of the following symptoms:
The symptoms must be severe enough to disrupt functioning in important life areas, such as the ability to function at work, to have healthy relationships, and to take care of oneself. If hospitalization is required, this criterion is considered to have been met.
There are a number of similar disorders in the Bipolar spectrum. If you are concerned about the symptoms you might be experiencing related to this disorder, speaking with a professional therapist, psychiatrist, or a medical professional is your first step towards obtaining a definite diagnosis. The most effective treatment for Bipolar Disorder appears to be pharmaceutical drugs, in particular lithium, anticonvulsant mood stabilizers, and atypical antipsychotic drugs. Cognitive Therapy might also be useful for Bipolar patients, mostly to assist in understanding the illness, dealing with its consequences, preventing relapse (monitoring symptoms and adjusting medications before a full-blown relapse occurs), and ensuring adherence to the drug regime.
Suicide Prevention Hotlines and Resources:
If you are thinking of suicide, please do reach out to get the help you need. Here are some links and phone numbers that can get you started.
In the United States:
1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433)
In Canada, the United States and Internationally, click here and follow the links to your country or area:
If you are unable to find resources on your own, see a physician or go to an emergency room - someone there should be able to help you. Do not suffer in silence.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder |
You appear to suffer from a few of the symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder; however, you do not meet all the criteria. This disorder entails recurrent obsessions (excessive and uncontrollable thoughts) and/or compulsions (uncontrollable, repetitive behaviors) that are disruptive to the individual's functioning, are distressing to him or her, are time consuming and recognized by him or her as being excessive.
The DSM-IV lists the following signs and symptoms that point to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder:
Obsessions consist of all of the following:
Compulsions consist of both of the following:
In addtion...
Treatment for OCD can be very effective. They include medications, or behavioral and cognitive therapy, among others. A mental health professional can assist you in developing a treatment plan to help you.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder |
Your answers indicate that you show some of the signs of Generalized Anxiety Disorder, but not enough of them to meet all the criteria. People suffering with this disorder are on edge most of the time, with no obvious precipitating event. This is a very common disorder and there are many effective treatments available.
The DSM-IV states that the following signs and symptoms must be apparent for a diagnosis of Generalized Anxiety Disorder to be made:
Treatments for Generalized Anxiety Disorder include anti-anxiety medications, relaxation therapy, and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy.
Do I look for help? |
3 Puntos...
martes, 18 de marzo de 2014
I feel fine
jueves, 6 de marzo de 2014
¿Y Dios?
Mientras crecemos, nuestros padres (la mayoría de las veces) nos enseñan que hay una entidad (o varias) más grande que nosotros, más grande que lo que existe, más grande que lo que existirá y definitivamente más grande de lo que nuestras limitadas mentes llegarán a comprender. Obviamente estamos hablando de Dios. Independientemente de que se crea en su existencia o no, o cual sea la religión, esta entidad está presente en la vida de todos nosotros por la mera y única razón de que nuestra sociedad fue construida en base a ello. Así que nuestros pensamientos y por lo tanto nuestras acciones están programadas de una manera en que si te expresas positiva o negativamente (sea cual sea la visión de cada quien) le estás rindiendo culto a su presencia. Ejemplos de eso sería si tu haces algo bueno por una persona, entonces, sigues las enseñanzas del señor y por lo tanto le das crédito a su existencia. O también, si le haces algo malo a una persona, entonces tiras a la basura sus enseñanzas y haces lo que quieras sin importante nada, de igual manera y por difícil que parezca, con eso también le das crédito a su existencia.
Claro, estos ejemplos son colores blanco y negro por lo que no aplican del todo en una realidad llena de matices diferentes de gris.
Para sumar todo el sin sentido que acabo de decir y porque esto es Facebook y a nadie le importa una opinión que no pidieron. Es que la idea de una existencia divina sólo puede vivir dependiendo de la realidad de cada individuo. Por lo tanto, Dios no existe, Dios es.
miércoles, 28 de marzo de 2012
The Death Penalty: An obsolete solution.

I want to discuss about “The ultimate punishment”, this law exist since the Eighteenth Century B.C. in the Code of King Hammaurabi of Babylon, which codified the death penalty for 25 different crimes, today is use it for the crime of murder (funny irony). There is no doubt that the death penalty doesn’t stop murders and it’s only about revenge. I believe this because our society is being affected in how we take care of the responsibility in the criminal system.
One argument against the death penalty is that all judicial systems make mistakes. For example, a total of 69 people have been released from death row since 1973 after evidence of their innocence emerged. Twenty-one condemned inmates have been released since 1993, including seven from the state of Illinois alone. Many of these cases were discovered not because of the normal appeals process, but rather as a result of new scientific techniques, investigations by journalists, and the dedicated work of expert attorneys, not available to the typical death row inmate. This evidence clearly shows that as long as the death penalty persists, innocent people will be executed.
Some people maintain that the death penalty “fixes what is broken”, that it’s for the good of the victim’s family, or is divine justice (an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth) and save money. As support for their opinion, they state that this law stops murders because “if the killer is death, then he can’t kill anymore”; other reason might be that the death penalty helps to prevent future crimes. For example, people will not kill for think in the consequences. I disagree with this view because this put an end to their punishment, criminals can work in prison and return the money expended in jail, other reason is when people is going to kill somebody, they don’t think in the consequences. The crime might be for passion… this means that in the mind of the killer doesn’t matter what is going to happen, they don’t care about the punishment (they don’t think). Another one might be cold, this means that the murder is doing it because is his work. For example, mobsters or gang members, and as we know they think that no one is going to catch them. So they don’t care about the punishment either.
In conclusion, we need to abolish this insane law so that help us to go on and work in things that really matter like education and health care. I know that it’s really hard for the families who lost their love ones. But I know the feeling, I know that pain and anger, I know what is to talk with a person who I love and lost him forever in the same day. But I don’t want to turn like those people, anyone should.
domingo, 11 de marzo de 2012
Pequeño panista…

Bueno, ahora vamos a hablar del gran orador Juan Pablo Castro Gamble. Ese joven de mente abierta que propone leyes justas y para nada estúpidas, que entiende y aplaude el intelecto de la gente… NO, aunque sea sarcasmo es simplemente imposible decir cosas buenas de alguien tan pero TAN imbécil. Este pedazo de caca, que de ahora en adelante nos referiremos a el de esta forma es un claro ejemplo de la filosofía del PAN y de que manera se gobernara el país si Josefina llega a ganar las elecciones, aunque en algunos noticieros y portales de internet el Partido Acción Nacional declaro que la posición del pedazo de caca no es la del partido y que no pertenece al mismo, lo cual todos sabemos que es falso por que el mismo de pedazo de caca escribió en su Twitter:
-“Soy un panista orgulloso, y si acepto mi error. Pero mis principios no los voy a cambiar. Ni los valores que mi partido me ha inculcado.”
- “La mayoria (sic) de la gente en el PAN, piensa como yo. La forma de expresarme no fue la correcta, pero deben ser fieles a sus principios”
- “Aunque va contra mis principios en el PAN me estan (sic) obligando a hablar. Me quieren quitar la afiliación del partido. Solo defiendo sus valores”
- “Los mismos valores que tengo como panista los tiene @JosefinaVM @GustavoMadero y @LF_BravoMena Compartimos ideales”

jueves, 16 de febrero de 2012
Libertad… ¿Qué es la libertad?
Según el diccionario de primaria que he tenido guardado por años, La libertad
es el poder inminente al sujeto, en orden a su realización, que puede definirse
como la capacidad de decidirse o autodeterminarse. Esto nos da a entender que la libertad es lo que nos permite vivir de la manera que queremos vivir (sin afectar la vida de la gente a nuestro alrededor) y así llegar a experimentar la felicidad. Pero, si eso es lo que significa la palabra “Libertad” ¿Nosotros en verdad somos libres?
Lo primero que podemos pensar es “Si” y quizá tengamos razón en pensar eso, ya
que nadie nos obliga a trabajar para mantener a un emperador, nadie nos dice
como vestirnos, nadie nos obliga a hablar de cierta forma y nadie nos gobierna
en contra de nuestra voluntad… No espera.
La sociedad en la que vivimos nos mantiene esclavizados de la manera más
eficiente; La televisión, revistas, periódicos, radio, etc. Todo eso que nos
dice que pensar y sentir nos tiene encerrados de una manera en la que no nos
damos cuenta que somos prisioneros de nuestra propia mente. Ellos utilizan la mercadotecnia para mantenerte sometido como consumidor, así seguirás trabajando en un empleo que odias, para poder comprarte ese producto que no necesitas y resaltar sobre los demás. Pero bueno, todo eso ya lo sabíamos, así que,
realmente ¿Por qué no somos libres? Quizá, solo quizá sea por que nosotros
mismos nos mantenemos en ese estado de esclavitud, somos esclavos del que dirán
o que pensaran de mi, muchas veces sentimos que la sociedad no nos permite
hacer lo que queramos, por ejemplo: gritar “Soy feliz” con todas tus fuerzas en
el centro de la ciudad, usar zapatos que no sean del mismo par o usar una
camiseta que tenga escrito “Chingue su puta madre todo el puto mundo de mierda
que estoy apunto de cogerme a la mas vieja de tu pinche casa a la verga” o bueno,
eso es un poco exagerado pero creo que di a entender mi punto.
Cualquier persona podría decir “Pero yo no hago eso” “Yo hago lo que quiero” “No
compro cosas que no necesito” “Yo decido enteramente como vivir”… pero ¿realmente es cierto? O ¿es que negamos la realidad? El solo hecho de estar atentos de cuando saldrá un nuevo episodio de X show, si tenemos nuevos mensajes en
Facebook/Twitter, pasar horas y horas en el video juego, ver que ropa queda mas
con nuestra personalidad y que es lo que voy a hacer para quedar bien con ese
alguien hace que cada momento perdamos mas y mas nuestras vidas. Claro, puedo
equivocarme por que es cierto que muchas personas viven enteramente de los
recursos de la naturaleza y no necesitan internet ni televisión, pero también es
cierto que muchos de nosotros vivimos en esa situación en que los medios de comunicación nos tienen agarrados de las bolas.
Ahí muchos puntos que tratar sobre el esclavismo, por que ahí gente haya afuera
que realmente esta siendo esclavizada y no de la forma que acabo de mencionar,
si no que están siendo obligados a trabajar en minas o están siendo explotadas
sexualmente o cualquier otro tipo de maltrato y los medios de comunicación prácticamente nunca hablan sobre esos casos, simple y sencillamente porque no “vende”; también esta el punto de la religión, el crédito, el amor y muchas otras cosas con las que nos tienen sometidos, aunque lo mejor es simplemente reflexionar una cosa a la vez.